"a written document twenty-five to one hundred words long describing the unique values and benefits of your product or brand".
This brought to mind a start-up business class I am taking (First Step FastTrac), in which we budding entrepreneurs are to write a business concept statement. A business concept is brief--one or two paragraphs and no more than seventy-five words.
This brought to mind how agents and fellow writers tout the ability to describe your novel very briefly. In fact, they suggest about the same amount of words.
Doesn't seem to be a way to get away from sharp summarization skills in life, huh?
So, time to think. What is the Story of this year's nano story?
So far I have thus for Walker Novel #2:
Due to his actions in Novel 1, Walker is exiled, but this supposedly paradisal world has gone to hell--being filled with a hungry mist and even hungrier monsters. Worse yet, hell is catching, spreading to his home-world too.
This is rough, but even if it weren't, this would likely change as I write the novel. However, the First Step literature gives you some very practical advice that relates to writing as well. This is
"it is common for the initial Business Concept Statement to change during the process [of writing the feasibility plan]"--which is the point of the class. "In fact, you may have more to worry about if your business concept doesn't change as a result of the feasibility plan."
I feel the same is true in writing. The premise you come up with in the beginning is not always the same as that you finish with. It will be interesting to see what difference 50,000 words makes on mine.
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